In Circum Morbi/

Depravity of the Human Condition

"into" or "against" 
Circum: of circus 
Morbi: of morbus (sickness), meaning "of sickness."  
Into the circus of sickness

Each and every one of us is subjected to the social norms imposed on us by the societies we live in. IN CIRCUM MORBI dares to critique the widespread complacency and submissiveness of the individual to indoctrination and dogma at the expense of personal freedom and ethics. Using the language of eroticism and fetish to illicit a visceral response, these powerfully graphic images of bound and trapped bodies aim to challenge the viewer’s perception of their own independence and conditionings, just as the violence of the brushwork confronts and deconstructs the traditional aesthetic ideals of figurative realism. However, these images are not created from a moral high ground, as many of the paintings are self-portraits, depicting the artist’s own struggle to free herself from same-said conditionings through the ritual act of putting paint to canvas.

“I am violence, I am conditioned, I am an amalgamation of preconceived notions. In order to change the programming I must acknowledge it. To transcend from it I paint.”